Sunday, January 25, 2009
FxMarkets alone would have given better results
Last week I posted about my next step; to change max trades to 2 but to remove all but one GBPJPY trader and add for example Aradi forex.
I therfore began to analyze which provider I should keep. Currently I have three; FxMarkets, Scalpers Group and GBP$. I therefore manually calculated which trades since 01.01.09 I would have caught if I had used only one provider. As I anticipated, GBP$ lost with only 256 pips, second came Scalpers group with 491 and the winner was FxMarkets with 837 pips.
What suprised me is that with my combination of three providers I only made 755 pips (besides the unfair loosing trade), which means I would have been better off having chosen only FxMarkets. I thought perhaps since I had my loosing trade open almost a week it dragged my pips down; I thereore looked again with trades only since 13.01.09 and the reults are as follows; GBP$ 75 pips, Scalpers group 354 pips, FxMarkets 662 pips and myself I made 644 pips.
I must keep an eye on this, but it might be worth scrapping my three providers and keeping only FxMarkets. and certainly if I want to add another (non GBPJPY) provider and change settings to 2 trades.
But who should I choose? GuruFx is already Characterized as risky and the DD of Aradi forex has grown to over 380 pips on a trade, besides he has now 316 pips DD but I didnt check to see if it is one or more trades.
Total balance 447 pips up

Your Zulutrade™ account xxx is 447 pips UP this week (1/16/2009 - 1/23/2009). Congratulations! Profit in USD: $504.06 (includes open positions)As of last week I was breakeven, and now I back into profit. (Zulutrade mentions $504.66 but it is actually only $499. They failed to include the spread/roll on two trades.) Lets hope trading continues like this.
wishing you all
Many Happy Pips to come
PROBLEM UPDATE: trade executed correctly?
After reading my email reply below which is within the email text of zulutrade, please let me know which version you believe. I have no solid proof and I might have to give up the fight but besides the $500 lost, I have bad feelings trusting them with my money if my assumptions are correct. Lets hope they are correct and I was unlucky.
Dear Zulutrade,
I will respond within your email on the points you mention and then afterwards I will continue my comments. Only 2 days ago you explained the problem being caused by timezones problem. How can it take over two weeks to realize there were "two trades" on the same minute and mine was the unlucky one?
Please read it all through.
thank you.
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:41 AM, zulutrade support wrote:
Dear xxx,
Yes, we admitted we do have a problem and the same as you we though that the trade of 14:20 has already been closed.
However as it turned out later the problem was not in missing signals, but there was a glitch in our system due to which we could not see the open positions of a signal provider as mentioned in previous email. Neither our staff, nor the clients. That is why this confusion took place.I am sorry but in my first mail I mentioned I checked the Excel sheet ofAs we could not identify a problem at that time because it has never happened before, we assumed the same thing as you did because we saw the closed trade which has opened exactly at the same time as your trade did. However when our technical department started analyzing the issue together with FXCM (because they informed us that they will take responsibility if the signals were missed), we found out that none of the signals were missed and that FXmarkets sent two signals at the same time 14:20 (2:20 pm or 9:20 NY time). One has been closed at 16 pips profit, the other has closed when it hit the stop at -487 pips. Please check signal provider's history page more carefully. There are two trades executed at 14:20, not one. But because of the glitch in the system our staff could not know that at the time.
FxMarkets and saw the closed trade with the SAME provider ticket of 11.633... I also checked the dropdown and chose FxMarkets on the "positions" tab in my acount and I saw OTHER live trades but no trade opened on 31.12.08 14:20 so I did not suffer from a glitch and I saw clearly a live trade closed with the same provider ticket and other live trades not closed.I dont know if there were always 2 trades from the same minute, but my trade was the one which closed correctly in profit since i have the same provider ticket... please check my email from whislt the trade was still open.And it is not correct to say that fxmarkets has never let the trade to go
up to 271 pip profit.I mentioned FxMarkets doesnt let the trade get to 271 in PROFIT, not in DD. When ever he had such high profits it was closed shortly later at the most 104 pips away. Ofcourse in DD he goes even further then 271, and even further then 487 pips and would have gone over 700 pips and not let the trade close in Loss.Please check his history page. Sometimes he opens short term trades, sometimes he leaves the trade open for a week with a huge drawdown, but closes the trade in a big profit. He likes to place 2 trades at the same time,
He uses a trailing stop or something like that and wouldnt have let the trade reach such high profits and then go back again into minus.FxMarkets is a responsible provider and doesnt leave a trade in 270 pips profit to go into minus again, He always takes profit much before reaching 270 pips anywayTrades which are opened together by FxMarkets are closed almost together, he just waits for a now we are aware of this and will be more careful when a person gets in contact with us claiming that his position has been closed by fxmarkets, but appears open in zulu from now on we always check the provider tickets of the trades instead of looking at the times of open trades
and will check the open positions of a signal provider with technical department in order to avoid such misunderstandings. If you know any person whose trade of fxmarket (31/12) did not close after 06/01let us know, because we did not have any complaints about that. Everybody have either closed their trades manually earlier thinking that the trade appearing in fxmarket's history is their trade and avoided further losses, in other accounts the trade has been closed by the stop value of a signal provider.and that is exactly what i did, checked the provider tickets and not the time, and my ticket matched the closed trade
We appologize for inconveniences. In any case after analyzing everything carefully we do not see any reason for a refund as the trade has been executed correctly.
Kind Regards,
Customer Support
48 Wall Str.,New York NY 10005, 10th floor suite
So my dear zulutrade, lets sum it up:
- I saw FxMarkets other live trades when you say there was a software glitch which prevented checking open trades.
- I checked the provider ticket of closed trade in the excel (which has since been removed) and compared it to my provider ticket on the open trade FxMarkets is a responsible provider and doesnt leave a trade in 270 pips profit to go into minus again, he always takes profit beforehand anyway
- What a coincidence that just that trade which is mistakenly "thought" to be
closed is one out two from 566 FxMarkets trades which are closed in loss, when this problem has no connection with it being a loosing tradeTrades which are opened together by FxMarkets are closed almost together, he just waits for a retracement.- Only 2 days ago you explained the problem being caused by timezones problem. How can it take over two weeks to realize there were "two trades" on the same minute and mine was the unlucky one?
- Why have you removed the Provider ticket from the Excel sheet? It was very useful to identify a trade.
I therefore feel something is missing in this issue which doesnt let me understand your reasoning.
Thanking you in advance I am awaiting your feedback.
kind regards
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
PROBLEM UPDATE: a bombshell
Dear xxx,
Your request for a refund has not been confirmed. In signal provider's account the trade has been closed by stop:
LIVE2008/12/31 14:20SELLGBP/JPY132.849 2009/01/06 09:06137.715
271-487-72-487.0 pips-$5,267.66
In your account:
FxMarkets 12/31/2008 09:20 SELL1GBP/JPY132.8012009/01/06 08:32137.715264-491-491.0 pips-$526.47Signal provider GBP/JPY FxMarkets 12/31/2008 2:20:25 PM 1/6/2009
9:06:03 AM 132.849 137.715 Stop Hit
User GBP/JPY FxMarkets 12/31/2008 9:20:19
AM 1/6/2009 8:32:03 AM 132.801 137.715 Stop Hit
The trade has been closed by the stop of a signal provider in your account as well and we do not find any technical issues. Your signal provider has sent 2 signals at the same time 14:20 UTC (2:20pm UTC or 9:20am NY time that you see on your broker's report), you can see both of these trades in the history of signal provider and the provider tickets for the trades match 11.633662864032423648, so the trade has been executed correctly. The closing time differs as the broker is more accurate in price flactuations and closes positions more precisely than we close in signal provider's account (as he is not linked with the broker).The problem that we were experiencing at that time is that we could not see open positions of signal provider from live accounts and we had some time zones problems (the opening time of the trade in your account has been taken from FXCM when we normally use UTC time). However it is fixed now. The closing reason we see on our system is STOP HIT for both - your and signal provider's trades. As we see now FX markets is putting unreasonably high stops in order his trades not to close when the stop is hit and he leaves the trades open for few days and eventually closes them in profit, but with a big DD.
In any case we do not see a technical problem or missed signals in your case.
If there are any further questions do not hesitate to contact us again.
this is what I replied.
Dear Zulutrade,
I am shocked. Clearly your records have been manipulated.
I saw on the trades of the signal provider on the web, I saw in the Excel sheet of his trades, Rasa from zulutrade chat agreed, you agreed in your first emails that the trade was closed in profit. 16 pips to be exact. You agreed you have to investigate why my trade, and others, were not closed together with the signal provider, you even added the provider has so many users.
Friends in the blog sphere have also mentioned either their trade in the demo was not closed and one guy closed it manually after realizing the providers trade was closed already. Never ever has FxMarkets allowed a trade to reach 270 pips in profit or even close it to it. It does not make sense, and after seeing earlier different records I just don't believe it.
Could you please give me a phone number of the person responsible who also knows about the trade and the problem.
thank you
My dear Bloggers, perhaps I will need your help...
Is there by any chance anyone whos trade closed succesfully with a couple of PIPs profit?
PROBLEM UPDATE: time zone problem?
and 2 hours later came their reply:Dear Zulutrade Team,
It is now over two weeks since I filed for a refund and over three weeks since the problem occured. You also know about the problem from other clients. I think it is time you finish your investigation and refund my account as soon as possible. At least, plese give me some feedback about the status of the investigation and/or when we can expect the final result.
I would love to give customer care five points but this is dragging on too long... Looking forward to your feedback
kind regards
Dear Sir,
The investigation is taking time as your trade has been executed correctly, just shows the different time of the trade open as we have experienced the time zone issue. It says that your trade has opened at 9:20, but has the same broker ticket and provider ticket with the trade 14:20 in signal provider's account. The one that had closed in -490 pips loss. That means that the trade has been executed correctly and closed because of the stop of a signal provider. 9:20 has been taken from FXCM, when normally we do not do that and put the UTC time. This time there had been a problem which has caused the confusion even if the trade has been executed correctly. So we are waiting for the decision from our managment.
I dont get it what the timezone problem might influence it, but in any case it doesnt sound like my error but rather zulutrades software glitch
Add Signal Provider Aradi forex? GuruFx?
I have a desire to already change maximum open lots to two but with two GBPJPY trades I could potentialy be blown away with just over $1000 equity. If I were to add a non GBPJPY provider I would have to deactivate tow out of my current three GBPJPY trades; FxMarkets, Scalpers group or GBP$. which one? Or should I still leave it at maximum one open lot? Your thoughts are welcome.
I have an eye on Aradi forex as my non GBPJPY provider. The only problem is he is fairly new, been trading for just 4 weeks with 123 trades, but his records show minimum DD, less the 500 pips, and his three loosing trades are acceptable losses; 20-30 pips.
GuruFx, trades only EURUSD, is even younger, has also smaller trades averaging only 19 pips but are shorter on avergae, only 2.2 hours, then Aradi forex. Browsing through his trades I cant see any loosers but zulutrade gives him 38 out of 39 winners, dont know why.
How long should I give them till I use them?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Drawdown and Margin
This was all fine untill 05.01.09 when the GBPJPY retraced up leaving FxMarkets and Scalpers Group with DD over 700 pips per trade until they finally went into profit again. So now 500 pips is not enough and even 700, and who knows how far the next retracement (like right now when I have a trade with 358 pips DD) will go.
Chris, who unfortunately lost his profit during the above mentioned retracement asks if 1200 pips is conservative enough. I am not an expert and I dont even pretend to be one. So I leave him to decide on his own. I still dont know when I will change the maximum tardes to two trades into my account.
One idea I did give him was to use also providers not trading the GBPJPY so hopefully they wont be in a DD during the same period the GBPJPY trades are, and you could "borrow" their margin if needed.
Another idea I didnt mention to Chris, would be to use fixed Stop Losses (SL) independent from signal provider, something like 250 pips. Others claim that in the long run this will lead to profit, I have not analyzed this and would love to hear from someone who is livertarding them with a fixed SL.
Total balance 337 pips down
Your Zulutrade™ account xxx is 337 pips down this week (1/9/2009 - 1/16/2009). Loss in USD: ($362.35) (includes open positions)I find the email confusing since it includes closed positions as well so here is my printscreen of the last few closed positions, and I am actually in 20 pips profit besides the open position.

Monday, January 12, 2009
open trade closed with 79 pips profit
The trade which has been open since 05.01.2009 closed this morning with 79 pips profit. The GBPJPy is comming down. I think that the FxMarkets is waiting slightly longer until he closes his positions to be able to catch another few pips.
My account is now only minus 197 pips and $ 787.61

Right now I have no open trades. I removed ClubFx since he has been buying while the others have been selling. Although I hope he closes in profit, I dont want to have large drawdowns right now!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Total balance 405 Pips down: 1 Loss might be refunded
Your Zulutrade™ account xxx is 405 pips down this week (1/2/2009 - 1/9/2009). Loss in USD: ($433.34) (includes open positions)If you have been folowing my posts, you will know I had a loss of 491 pips due to a trade not being closed togther with the signal provider. hopefully I will be refunded.
During the week I had actually only 3 trades closed, one opened the week before at 10 pips proft and another two quicker trades at 8 and 14 pips. Total of 32 pips.
After the loosing trade I changed my setting to allow only 1 live trade at a time, and ever since I have been stuck with one live GBPJPY trade from Scalpers Group. It has been 599 pips in minus and is currenty 130 pips in minus. As you might have experienced the market is in a retracement and even FxMarkets has over 20 positions open.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
PROBLEM update: zulutrade will investigate refund
Dear xxx,
In your case we have received a closing signal for a trade and sent it to the broker, however we did not receive any reply. But when thousands of closing signals are sent to the broker at the same time (fx markets has a lot of users), some signals may slip. This maight have happened for many reasons.
Our technical team is currently working on clearing out what has happened in order to minimise a probability of such cases happening in the system in the future.
In any case you should be aware of this problem (which is very rare, but still plausible) and check your account.
If there are any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Dear Sir,
Your request for a refund has been placed. As soon as technical department will clear out the resons of this problem we will get back to you.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
PROBLEM update: Trade stopped out
This morning I received the first reply from zulutrade telling me I should close the trade manuall and they will investigate. By the time I logged into my accout the trade was closed. Below is my reply to zulutrade. I also changed my settings to allow only one live trade at a time since my equity is something around 700 USD.
I have just logged into my account and have seen that the trade has been stopped out by the SL.
Rasa has told me on chat that I should request a refund since as far as I can see it was a technical problem on zulutrades part why this trade was not closed together with the providers. The providers ticket is 11.6336628640324.
Needless to say I didnt change anything with the trade, SL and TP as I didnt even log onto my account and didnt know about the trade until the weekend. In the end the trade was stopped out by the original SL from provider. I lost in USD -526.47 including -2.40 for rollover. This is besides all the trades I could not trade during the seven days this trade was left open.
I sent my first mail on Sunday and am really upset it took two days to receive a reply on such an issue involving a live trade. Thank you for your feedback.
kind regards
xxxOn Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 8:51 AM, <> wrote:
Dear Sir,
The trade it appears still open and therefore we advise you to close it manually the soonest possible,in order to minimize your losses.
The case has been investigated by our technical departement. Please contact with us by e-mail/chat for any more questions/remarks. Kind
Monday, January 5, 2009
PROBLEM update: zulutrade agrees
Rasa: Hello
Rasa: How may I help you?
Me: Hello. I have a serious problem with a live trade
Me: I sent yesterday an email but got no reply yet.
Me: the providers trade got closed but mine is still open
Rasa: what is your account's number?
Me: xxx
Rasa: yes, there was a problem with FX market's trade.
Rasa: did you tryt o close it manually?
Me: didnt try. didnt touch the trade. didnt see the trade until sunday
Rasa: would you want to close the trade for you?
Me: in minus??????
Rasa: or you can wait while the trade will go up
Rasa: and close it manually
Me: this is not my problem, am i not garanteed that my trades are closed properly?
Rasa: Our technical department are working on fixing the problem
Me: thanks. and what will be done with the trade?
Rasa: if you wish we can close it now, or you can wait and close it later if you think that trade may go up
Rasa: however if you will close it in loss, you have the right to place a request for a refund
Rasa: after our technicians will investigate the reason why this happened and if it is entirely our fault you will be refunded
Me: thank you. It seems a technical glitch in your software and I should be credited for the loss. where should i place this request? and what about all the missed trades ;-)
Rasa: just send us an email to with all the details of the trade
Me: thank you
Me: I would like to leave the trade a bit and hope it will go into profit. if i am mistaken will i still be credited the whole amount? or will you say I should have closed it once you conformed me it is a problem
Rasa: Just close when you close it and responsible people will decide what amount should be refunded
Me: that is not a very clear answer ;-) Please ask the responsible people since I would like it refunded should i close it now or let it run a bit?
Rasa: close it whenever you want. If you think the trade will start winning you can leave it flowting, but if you are afraid to loose more, just close it now
Me: thank you. I have sent a email. when do you think I will get an answer?
Rasa: An answer you will receive by tomorrow. But not a confirmation of a refund yet. Because we have to investigate the reasons.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
PROBLEM: my trade is open, providers trade is closed

It seems I have a problem. I checked my live account, xxx, and see two open trades. One is from signal provider FxMarkets, opened on 31.12.08 at 14:20. It is now -102.5 pips in minus. I checked the trades of FxMarkets and see that it has currently no open trades. This trade is already closed 3 minutes after open with 16 pips profit. The provider ticket (in the downloaded excel sheet) is the same as mine (detailed trade history): 11.6336628640324, so we are talking about the same trade. How comes my trade was not closed????? I didnt think such a thing could happen and therefore don't even check my trades during the week. ...and all the trades I missed out on....
I am really worried about it, dont know what went wrong and would like this solved as soon as possible.
Needless to say I didnt change anything with the trade, SL and TP as I didnt even log onto my account and didnt know about the trade.
Many thanks for your support
kind regards
missed trades tend to be shorter and have greater profits
GBP$; 3 missed trades have been closed with a profit of between 48 and 67 pips. These trades no one caught live. 1 missed trade only had 17 pips.
Club4x; 4 missed trades have been closed with a profit of between 46 and 82 pips and 4 missed trade only had between 14 and 23 pips. All were traded live besides one.
FxMarkets; closed 5 trades ranging between 4 and 36 pips.
Although I think it is safer to have a couple of signal providers, I see we stand to benefit more then 3 times when using 3 trades of the same provider so as the account grows must calculate when to add providers and when to add more trades per provider. Ofcourse both can be done by keeping the total trades on the account at the correct number but if I have too many signal providers, a second and third trade per provider will trigger less often.
Mind you; Salpers Group, which i have one open trade of -23.5, shows open position of -148 pips, so this might be an exception.
Total balance 58 pips, 2 open trades in DD

Here the weekly preformance email from zulutrade

Your Zulutrade™ account xxx is 58 pips UP this week (12/26/2008 - 1/2/2009). Congratulations!Profit in USD: $50.31 (includes open positions)